{newborn} The Wubbenhorst Family
Lena: a strong, elegant, unique name that was (somewhat) known in Katie and Brad’s history. Lena was the name of Katie’s great...

{newborn} The Fairlie Family
New house...New baby! Congratulations to the Fairlie family on their baby girl, Reagan! Easy Sunday morning came, and I couldn’t wait to...

{newborn} The McCracken Family
It's not every day that I get to photograph newborns, so the days I do I believe are extra special. The day I met Elizabeth, her new big...

{newborn} The Montemuro Family
Exactly two years (and one day) after his big brother Owen was born, Logan came into this world. Five days following his grand entrance,...

{newborn} Lucas Shawn
I am completely honored to share the photos of this little angel: Lucas Shawn. He may have been a little late coming into this world,...

{newborn} The Lavallee Family
Introducing Andre James and his proud, esctatic parents! On a very windy day in April, I pulled into the driveway of the Lavalle's home...