{event} Rory's 2nd Birthday
He was almost two years old when I took these pictures. Like Bethany, I was at a loss for the quickness of time. It really seemed as if it was yesterday I was taking Bethany’s maternity pictures…Rory’s newborns, but there we were, on a beautiful day at Rolling Green, chasing Rory around for his two year old photos.
Dressed to impress, Rory was determined to cover every inch of the golf course. Running down the green, playing on the “beach,” finding and throwing golf balls, and making friends everywhere he went, Rory had us laughing out loud as he did everything but smile and sit still for the pictures. Truthfully, I did not expect anything else from a two year old. Bethany and I were cracking up the whole time calling his name and driving the golf cart around…which is par for the course with us (pun intended). We even thought we had a say in the photo itinerary. What I did get though are amazing pictures of Rory that capture his curious, independent, intelligent and friendly personality. The looks he gave me because he knew I was trying to take his picture reminded me of my son, Chris, which kept me smiling the whole time.
It was a cool, gorgeous day and it was late in the evening as the sun was preparing to set. Rory’s energy brought joy to everyone who encountered him on the course and the pictures are so true to the two’s…Rory, you keep getting cuter and cuter and I love you so much! Happy Birthday, little man!
