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{family} The Yaun Family

Usually the end of Spring Break can be dreadful. However, this year, it was pleasant, relaxing, and filled with amazing photographs. I had the privilege of meeting Jordan and Courtney and their two adorable sons, Griffin and Dean, at Oakbourne Park in West Chester. The weather was gorgeous…the sky blue, the grass a vibrant green and the evening sun providing a balance of light and shadows.

The open park was the ideal place to begin shooting. There were sporadic trees and benches which we used to our advantage. Griffin was particularly excited about the trees, which he quickly showed me he could climb…and smile for some precious pictures. It didn’t take long at all for him to warm up; his proud grin and his big blue eyes guided us right into the family photos. We didn’t have to walk very far and within the first ten minutes, Griffin and Dean were cheek to cheek smiling and eager to keep exploring.

One of my favorite things about this photoshoot was how many precious, candid moments I was able to capture. There were many pictures of Jordan and Courtney throwing the kids up in the air, catching them with laughter. A special moment between Courtney and Dean, where she consoled him by putting her forehead against his to Griffin’s Hulk Pose kept my camera snapping each minute. Griffin ran through the field, which turned out to be amazing action shots, as he held his arms out in front of him.

We laughed and talked about how fun it is to raise little boys, and the importance of “back up boosters.” Soon enough we found ourselves in front of the Oakbourne Mansion. It was so majestic and beautiful I did some research on it when I got home. It was built as a summer home by Mr. and Mrs. John Hulme in the late 1800s It was then willed to the Philadelphia Protestant Episcopal City Mission to serve as a convalescent home for women and then was acquired by Westtown Township and transformed into Oakbourne Park. It can be rented for events and even used as beautiful scenery in photographs.

We also took advantage of the water tower which is not a far distance from the

mansion. The magnificent water tower is 65 feet tall and was built in the same style as the renovated mansion. It housed two 500 gallon twin water tanks that provided running water and fire protection for the home. The was also a lookout from which to view the surrounding countryside.The aesthetic red door with iron hardware is so unique and it added to the photographs of this beautiful family.

I had an amazing time getting to know the Yaun Family and hanging out with them as I captured the essence of their family. They are easy-going, fun, loving people whose smiles in every photo are 100% genuine. Griffin is an attentive and helpful big brother who has an adorable, creative mind. Dean was extremely cooperative and interested in my camera. It was truly an honor to be able to freeze the laughter and love and create forever memories for this family!



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