{newborn} The Montemuro Family
Exactly two years (and one day) after his big brother Owen was born, Logan came into this world. Five days following his grand entrance, I had the pleasure of getting to meet the newest addition to the Montemuro family, a family I have watched grow for the last several years. I walked into their house to a little bundle of blue asleep on Phil and Owen, a ball of energy playing with his new “big brother” basketball hoop. He asked me where Chris and James were the second I walked in, but called me “Angela” instead of Chris and James’s mommy, which surprised us all!
Logan slept away for the first few minutes until we decided to go upstairs and start the little man’s photoshoot. I took a few of the photos very similar to the ones I took of Owen two years before, and there were so many precious realizations I had while capturing Logan about how similar the brothers look. Logan definitely has his own personality though. He was so peaceful and completely unfazed by the posing, clicking, and playful laughs that surrounded him. As Owen read and played with his farm animals, Lauren undressed Logan and without a beat missed, we placed him in the center of a soft white blanket and our session began. His dark hair, matching his whole family, surrounded his adorable, wrinkled face that rested perfectly in his hands.
Logan, like his brother, didn’t want to miss any of the action. About five minutes into the shoot, he woke up, showing his dark blue eyes. The time flew by and some of my favorite photos I took that day were the candid family photos of the new family of four: Lauren breastfeeding, Owen laughing, and Phil reading Owen a Curious George book. The natural love and happiness was evident. Owen was very particular about what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go. After a while upstairs in Owen’s room, we went downstairs where I was able to capture some special moments between Lauren and Logan.
So many people say they do not like or are afraid of the infant stage. I absolutely love it. Their tininess, innocence, newness, and wonder at just a few days old are all such a delicate and short lived moments. From Lauren and Phil’s engagement photos to the newborn photos of both of their gorgeous sons, I have truly adored photographing their love throughout the years.