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{newborn} Bethany & James

Welcome to the world, Rory James Edward Comer! And just like that, our best friends became Mommy and Daddy, and the world was made a little brighter. A precious little bundle of joy, swaddled in a fuzzy, blue sleep sack, all snug in his car seat awaited me. At just six days old, Rory, a sleeping little cherub, had the whole house transformed into his own oasis. Car seat, swings, stroller, burp cloths...and of course, the photography props James had set up already in the dining room-all involving golf (haha!).

James was just getting back from walking Rory around outside a bit to get him to sleep, and Bethany had just finished getting dressed. This was my first time meeting Rory in person and his tiny, peaceful face took my breath away. Those quick, little breaths newborns take as the sleep are my favorite and he looked so adorable that I started taking pictures right then and there. Beth met me downstairs looking beautiful in a blue dress, so proud and ecstatic to be introducing her son. I took some pictures of Bethany with Rory and pictures of the new family of three first while Rory was still peacefully asleep. These pictures are absolutely precious; and there are very few things that compare to new parents looking at their child in complete awe. Those are the pictures I love capturing the most.

We were able to get the pictures Beth and Comer wanted and Rory was such a champ. The day was cloudy, so I didn’t have that natural light I am inspired by and use in my shoots, but these pictures are amazing and truly capture the awe, love, tenderness and maybe a little chaos that becomes your life with a newborn. Taking Rory’s golf photos was an experience. I won’t write much about it (for Beth’s sake haha) but I will say they were creative, difficult, planned and executed wonderfully. I also never broke a sweat quite like I did taking them haha-

This day was so amazing. I got to meet Rory and spend the afternoon photographing two very special people in the most special moments of their lives. This day was wonderful, Rory is perfect, this life you two have created is so beautiful and I am so honored to be a part of it. I love the three of you so much.



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