{family} The Comer Family
The beautiful Comer family! I love taking their photos for so many reasons. This time, there was one more little angel to capture: Miss Stella. With her big brother, Aidan, the show began the second I parked my car. Both clad in adorable (and very handsome) outfits, they started exploring the backyard, starting with their red wagon. Their swingset, rocks, pumpkins, tractors and more...The Comers’ backyard is the absolute perfect place to take pictures. The morning was perfect...cool and sunny with a gentle breeze. The sun cast just enough light through the trees to illuminate this amazing family as they posed naturally. In fact, aside from a few pictures Esther had in mind, I just walked around the yard with them and took pictures of them enjoying the morning together.
Thinking of this photoshoot...Esther pushing Stella in the swing, Ulick propping Aidan up on his shoulders, Es and Ulick stealing a kiss with the two kids by their side, Stella crying while Aidan trying to console her by sharing his rocks, Aidan almost running Stella over with the tractor, and a lot of back and forth with several different pumpkins, I can honestly say it was so much fun and so comfortable capturing their family in tears, giggles and all the moments in between. Esther and Ulick are so easy-going; the love for each other and their family is evident in every single picture.
Aidan has become such a little man. He was so excited to have his picture taken. Stella was hilarious. She was adamant and adorable and though she was very interested in the pumpkins, I was able to capture her golden smile and her outgoing personality. The beauty of the day, the spontaneity and chaos of having two young kids, the joy and newness of fall...and the happiness of living it all is at the essence of these pictures. I am so honored to have taken these shots so the Comers can have and cherish forever.
