{maternity} The Hoke Family
A breath of fresh air-a smile-a precious baby about to be born-proof that there are many wonderful things happening in this world amidst the craziness. It is important to stop and acknowledge them and be overwhelmed with gratitude for the reminder they give: one of hope and purity and happiness. Our plans for this photoshoot were a blessing-the last minute timing was perfect because it never would’ve happened if we waited any longer. Usually Sam and I are on the same side of the lens, but on this day, I was given the privilege of capturing my beautiful, radiant, pregnant best friend...and it went exactly as I thought it would. We laughed, a lot and hard. She asked me what I thought, I asked her what she thought, we moved more furniture than she was expecting, I took her gum, and of course, Sam was organized and precise in the pictures she wanted. Not surprisingly, knowing some specific things that Sam wanted, I was able to use a new lens ;) and learned a thing or two as well.
Tom was finishing up his work in the office when I got there, so I went straight for the nursery (I hadn’t seen it since she and Tom decorated it). Sam was already upstairs getting ready, and she didn’t hesitate sending me on a scavenger hunt for the baby shoes and onesies: all props for the pictures. It wasn’t long into Sam’s solo pictures that we interrupted Tom’s work with our ridiculous jokes and laughs. He quickly got ready and made every picture with the two of them easy. Tom jumped right in on the jokes as well and the best part about these pictures is that their smiles were laughs: the most genuine joy. Sam and Tom are perfect for each other for so many reasons and I truly think I captured that for them in each shot. They’re supportive of one another, balance one another, love one another, and are both unbelievably excited to be parents.
It was a little chilly, but it was a beautiful day and we were able to take pictures inside and outside of their house. Aside from the shoes and onesie (that I eventually found in the nursery) and the sonogram pictures, there were no props used or needed. The pictures were light, simple, and splendid.
**Colton William Hoke was born on April 7th and is a ray of sunshine. He has made this world a brighter, better place. I am heartbroken that I will not be able to do Colton’s newborn photos, something we were really looking forward to, but I look forward to the moments I will be able to capture of him and his beautiful family. Colton, I love you. **