{newborn} The Ahern Family
Noelle-a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl born to a beautiful family on November 7th. It was an eventful weekend as John and I ventured up to Boston; and though we got there a little later than planned, Ryan, Kate, Celeste and Noelle were ready for us to meet the newest, perfect little princess. All snuggled up in Kate’s arms, dozed in a milk-induced sleep, Noelle rested contently. Celeste, fitting her new role as big sister famously, was so excited to start playing right away and show us to her castle that can fit so many of her stuffed animals. Between holding Noelle and drawing monsters and food with Celeste, John and I were in Heaven. Noelle, only a week old, was so peaceful and comfortable. She only fussed when she was hungry, but was so fulfilled with being held and loved. Celeste kept us laughing as we ate dinner and took turns playing with Olaf and decorating her new big sister Frozen purse. John and I were able to stay in an apartment located on the floor above Kate and Ryan’s apartment.
On Saturday, with the sun shining through the skylights in our apartment, Kate and I decided to have a newborn photoshoot of Noelle in one of the two bedrooms we had. With the sun still rising and Noelle still hungry, it was a fun game moving furniture around and playing with some creative ideas as the light continued to change and move. Noelle was completely satisfied soaking up the warm sun on the bed, even giving us tiny smiles and though Celeste wasn’t as excited to pose for pictures, I was able to capture a few candids of her looking at her newest, life-long best friend. There were so many things I loved about the photos taken of Noelle; one being the shadows the light created in the pictures. The odd shape of the room, unique sun-glare, and angles of the pictures were a change for me, but created memorable photos. You’d never know by looking at her and talking with her that Kate was only one week postpartum. She looked as exquisite as ever, and though exhaustion is inevitable with having a newborn and a toddler, both Kate and Ryan made it look so natural and easy. Our time with the Aherns was so special and our love for them is infinite. Their beautiful family brings so much joy to everyone, and it was an honorable and incredible experience being there with them to capture the precious, brand-new moments of Noelle’s life.