{newborn} The Dilworth Family
Claire kept us all anxiously waiting for her arrival, and certainly didn’t disappoint! Her cute, chubby little cheeks made their grand entrance into the world almost a week after her due date but just in time to ring in the new year and become the perfect addition to the family. After fighting a cold for what seemed to be forever, I was finally able to steal some quality time with her and was happy that being 9 months pregnant myself, I was able to capture some of the newest and purest moments of Baby Claire with her parents, Dave and Maureen.
Dressed in the softest, pink floral outfit from Nana, Claire was the most delightful and content babe as she slept through each shot I took. Her crooked little mouth and perfect little hands and feet curled serenely around her. It didn’t take long, and though it was pouring rain, the light was just enough to illuminate the room and highlight her precious teeny features.
Maureen and Dave wanted to use some sentimental props in a few shots like the bear from Aunt Kate, Uncle Ry and Celeste, a cross from Maureen’s childhood, a sonogram picture and Claire’s hospital band. They were just the right details to complete some of the pictures.
Parenthood looks great on Dave and Maureen and Clarie is as snuggly as they come. I couldn’t be happier for this adorable little, growing family and was beyond excited to photograph them, while also sneaking in some extra cuddles with my niece!